During the summer I traveled to Canada to be part of Laura Hollick’s creative intensive where we filmed part of the nü Icon Movie.

The nü Icon Movie is a interactive experience that guides you on a Vision Quest to discover your Iconic Essence. It is truly like nothing I’ve ever seen before. It is pure inspiration!

Now that the movie is having its global release, I’d like to invite you to be part of this wildly creative nü Icon Movie experience. It’s free, it’s virtual, it guides you to discover your Iconic Essence. It will change your life.

Your Iconic Essence is the core of who you are. When you connect with it, you clarify your unique path, purpose and vision for your life. With the nü Icon Movie you have an opportunity to melt into the magic of your Iconic Essence. Nice, huh?!

Sign up for the nü Icon Movie and experience your own heart opening in ways you never imagined!